
Major updates are in progress. Some pages and languages may not be available.

Using the HTML Plugin

The HTML Plugin is one of the easiest ways add anything to a wiki page. It is extremely powerful.

Creating the HTML Plugin

For example, in order to embed this YouTube video in a wiki page:

YouTube generates the following code:

YouTube script
<object width="580" height="360">
  <param name="movie" value=""></param>
  <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>
  <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="580" height="360"></embed>

If you attempt to simply copy and paste this code into a wiki page, Tiki will sanitize the script elements. Instead, use the HTML plugin:

HTML Plugin
<object width="580" height="360">
  <param name="movie" value=""></param>
  <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>
  <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="580" height="360"></embed>

{NOTE()}For complete details on the HTML plugin, see the Tiki Documentation Tiki . Tiki also includes a number of feature-specific plugin that can be used an an alternative to the HTML plugin. See Tiki Documentation Tiki for details.{NOTE}
{WARNING()}The HTML plugin will allow you (or anyone with permission) to add any HTML coding to the page; this includes potentially malicious code. Be sure to allow only trusted editors to use this plugin.{WARNING}

Plugin Parameters

The HTML plugin contains one optional parameter: Wiki syntax. Use this parameter to instruct Tiki to parse any wiki syntax. For example:

HTML Plugin without wiki syntax parsing
This link uses an __onclick__ event to produce a popup window:
 <a href="#" onClick="alert( 'This message is __bold__.' )">
  Click Here

will produce:

This link uses an __onclick__ event to produce a popup window: Click Here

Notice that the words "onclick" and "bold" in the previous example are not bold — even though they use the wiki syntax for bold (two underscores before and after the word). By default, Tiki will not parse (i.e., interpret) wiki syntax in the HTML plugin.

Use the Wiki syntax parameter to tell Tiki to parse the syntax. For example:

HTML Plugin with wiki syntax parsing
This link uses an __onclick__ event to produce a popup window:
 <a href="#" onClick="alert( 'This message is __bold__.' )">
  Click Here

will produce:

This link uses an onclick event to produce a popup window: Click Here

Enabling the HTML Plugin

Plugins must be enabled before they can be used in wiki page. If you attempt to use a disabled plugin, Tiki displays the following message:
Plugin disabled. Plugin cannot be executed

Approving the HTML Plugin

Some plugins require approval before they become "live," especially those, such as the HTML plugin, that allow users to embed specific coding. Only users with the necessary permission can approve pending plugins.
{TIP()}To avoid requiring approval, Tiki provides specialized plugins for specific purposes. See Tiki documentation for a list of available plugins.{TIP}

To approve the pending HTML plugin:

  1. Click View Details. Tiki displays the details of the HTML plugin.
    Plugin details
    Details of the HTML plugin.
  2. Select one of the following options:
    • Click Preview to execute the plugin once. Tiki reloads the page, executing the plugin. But for subsequent page visits, the plugin will not execute.
    • Click Approve make the plugin "live." Tiki reloads the page, fully executing the plugin code.
    • Click Reject to disapprove the plugin and deny its execution. Tiki displays the following message:
      Plugin denied
      You should edit the page and remove the denied plugin code.

Displaying all Pending Plugins

Use the Plugin Approval page to display all plugins that are pending approval. For each pending plugin, Tiki will display

  • The plugin and its unique, security ID
  • The location of the page (for plugins include on wiki pages)
  • The user who added the plugin or last visited the page
Plugin approval
Approving the pending plugins.

You can approve or deny specific plugins.
{TIP()}You can also have Tiki email the administrator each time there is a new plugin awaiting approval by enabling the Plugin pending approval notification option.{TIP}
