Este guia para Tiki é criado usando Tiki. Muitas das funcionalidades sobre as quais irá aprender neste guia estão, na realidade, implementadas neste site. Por forma a tirar o maior partido deste guia, deve ler primeiro esta secção, pois nela é explicado a melhor forma de encontrar a informação que procura.
Este guia é escrito por um utilizador de Windows, e isso reflecte-se na terminologia e imagens de exemplo. Mas, porque Tiki é uma aplicação web baseada em browser, não será complicado transferir esta informação para o seu sistema operativo.
In this section
There are four primary ways to navigate through the content in this guide:
- The Contents menu provides direct links to the primary sections of the guide. Think of this as a book's table of contents. The menu is always available, on the left side of every page.
The Contents menu is a simplified table of contents.
Através deste guia, irá encontrar sugestões, notas, e avisos:
{WARNING()}Este é o aspecto de um Aviso. Preste muita atenção a cada aviso. Não existem muitos, mas todos são importantes. Caso contrário, poderá quebrar a sua instalação Tiki ou corromper a base de dados, tornando o seu site inacessÃvel.{WARNING}
{TIP()}Este é o aspecto de uma Sugestão. São ajudas valiosas que tornarão a sua experiência com a aplicação Tiki mais agradável, tais como formas alternativas para concretizar determinada tarefa.{TIP}
{NOTE()}Este é o aspecto de uma Nota. As notas são normalmente informação secundária que pode (ou não) ser necessária.
Throughout this guide, you will find tips, notes, and warnings:{NOTE}
Há dois tipos de links usados neste guia:
- Internal links (that is, links to other sections of this guide) are simply underlined.
- External links (that is, links to other websites) include the external link icon (
External links to the official Tiki websites are identified with the Tiki icon (). These links contain detailed information and are highly recommended.
The images and screenshots included in this guide have been reduced to better fit the screen. You can enlarge any image to its full size simply by clicking the image.
This will make the screens and graphics much easier to read.
To print a single page from Tiki Essentials, simply click the Print icon
at the top of the page.
To print multiple pages, or the entire guide at once, click the Print multiple pages icon
icon. From the Print Multiple Pages page, you can select which pages to print. Select Structure to print the entire guide.
Tiki (and this guide) uses powerful multilingual tools.
Use the Site language option at the top of the site to select your overall interface language.
This selection controls things like:
- The top and side menus
- Screen prompts
Tiki includes translations for more than 40 languages. To learn more (including how to help translate Tiki into your language), visit
Page translations
Use the page-specific language option at the top-right of each page to translate the specific page.
{NOTE()}Changing a page translation will also change the site language.{NOTE}
This includes:
- Human Translations — Contributors, just like you, have helped translate Tiki Essentials into multiple languages. You can help...
- Machine Translations — Automated translations for pages are provided by Google Translate.
A tag is a keyword term that identifies a piece of information. Pages in Essentials are "tagged" with terms to help you know what the page is about. You can click a page's tag to find similar pages that are tagged with the same term.
You can help tag this guide!
- All tags should be in lowercase.
- Separate multiple tags with a blank space.
- Enclose multi-word tags in quotes.
To reduce spam, you must enter a CAPTCHA to add tags to a page. There is no CAPTCHA for contributors who are logged in.
Tag Cloud
The tag cloud is a visual representation of the popularity of all the tags. The more popular a tag, the larger it appears in the cloud. Simply click a tag in the cloud to display all the tagged pages.