Getting committer access to the Tiki SVN repository (hosted on allows you to contribute directly to the Tiki code development. Becoming a code committee is quick and easy, and allows you have a direct impact on the future of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.
{NOTE()}For full details, see the Tiki Developer site
in this section
Understand and Agree to the Three Rules
Tiki uses a "wiki way" software development model. With over 200 active developers continuously committing code to the repository, it is important to make the process as easy as possible. While the Tiki development process may seem chaotic and unruly to an outsider, it is important to remember that it has been working well since 2002!
There are really only three rules for contributing code to the Tiki project.
Respect the environment.
Commit early, commit often.
Make it optional.
All Tiki developers abide by these rules. You'll need to agree too, in order to contribute your code.
{NOTE()}Review the details of The Three Ruleson the Tiki Developer site
For background on Tiki's "wiki way" model of development, you might enjoy reading "A Process That Is Not" by Hakan Erdogmus, published in the November/December 2009 (Vol. 26, No. 6) issue of IEEE Software magazine.{NOTE}
Get a Account
The Tiki SVN (Subversion) code repository is hosted by You'll need to have a account in order to access the SVN repository. Registration is free and requires only a valid email address.All of your code contributions will be identified with by your username. You can use the same username that you have on the Tiki websites.
Other Accounts
In addition to your account, you'll also need a Tiki Community account. This will allow you to participate on the Tiki Community websites.
To stay involved with the Tiki community, you should also:
- Subscribe to the Tiki mailing lists, especially the developer's list and SVN commit list
- Subscribe to the Tiki NewsRSS feed
- Join the other Tiki social networking sites (such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn)
Ask for Access
Getting commit access to the Tiki SVN repository is as simple as asking for it.
- Go to Tiki IRC channel: #tikiwiki.
{NOTE()}See the Tiki Developer sitefor details on using IRC.{NOTE}
- Ask for a Tiki Admin and simply ask for access to the SVN repository.
One of the Tiki Admins will begin The Ceremony:
- You'll need to provide your account name to the Tiki Admin.
- You'll be asked to read the Three Rules and signify your acceptance.
- The Tiki Admin will add you to the Tiki project list.
You're now a Tiki developer!
Welcome to the Tiki Community!
- You should now set up your local development environment.
{NOTE()}It may take several hours for your permission to be updated throughout the servers. In the meantime, you should review the following items on the Tiki Developer's site: