The easiest (and most common) method to display tracker data is by using the TRACKERLIST plugin to create a table with the form data. An alternative method, is to enter tracker data directly from the Tracker interface pages.
One advantage of using the Trackerlist plugin, it allows you to add the form to any wiki page, thereby giving you more control over the display of the form.
To create a table:
- Create a new wiki page.
- In the wiki page, enter the following:
{trackerlist trackerId="1", fields="1:2:6", popup="8", showtitle="y", showlinks="y", shownbitems="y", showcreated="y", showfieldname="y", showrss="y"}
where:- TRACKER_ID = The ID of the tracker that you created.
- FIELD = The ID numbers of each of the tracker fields that you created.
{NOTE()}Be sure to use the tracker field ID and not the — order. {NOTE}
Alternatively, you can use the Plugin Helper to add the necessary information to the wiki page.
{TIP()}Refer to the Tiki Documentationfor complete information on the available pluging parameters.{TIP}
- Save the wiki page.
Tiki displays the items in the tracker in a table.