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Building the Internal Tracker

In this section, we will create the "Internal" tracker from which users will select an operating system and (based on the operating system) a version.

  1. Create a new tracker. In this example, we'll name the tracker Operating System. Because this tracker is used internally, you can leave the options as their defaults.
    Admin Trackers
    The internal tracker used to select the Operating System.
  2. Save the "Internal" tracker.
  3. Create two fields for the tracker:
    Field Type Options
    OS dropdown Windows,Solaris
    Version textfield

    Again, you can leave the other options for each field as their defaults.
    The completed Internal tracker with its two fields.
    The completed Internal tracker with its two fields.

Be sure to record:

  • The Tracker ID for this "Internal" tracker
    You'll need this ID in order to add the dynamic list to the "External" tacker.
  • The ID of the dropdown field and the textfield field.
    You'll need both IDs in order to identify which is the selection field (the dropdown) and which is the dynamic field (the textfield).

Populate the "Internal" Tracker

Right now, the "Internal" tracker is empty — there are no items from which a user can select their operating system and version. Let's populate the tracker with the necessary options.

  1. Using the Tracker interface pages, enter an item for the "Internal" tracker:
    • OS: Windows
    • Version: Vista

    Adding the first option (tracker item) to the Internal tracker.

    {NOTE()}You could create a custom form for entering the operating system options, but in this instance it is easier to use the Tiki Tracker interface.{NOTE}
    This represents one OS/Version combination that users can select.
  2. Add additional items to the "Internal" tracker; several for each operating system and version combination.
    Operating System Version
    Windows XP
    Windows 95
    Solaris 2.8
    Solaris 2.9
    Solaris 2.10
  3. Your "Internal" tracker should now have six items:
    The completed internal tracker.

    The "Internal" tracker is now complete. Users will select one of these possible OS/Version combinations. The Version will be dynamically displayed, based on the OS.

Now let's finish the external tracker...
