
Major updates are in progress. Some pages and languages may not be available.

Trackerformular erstellen

Die Übersetzung der Seite ist unvollständig.

{NOTE()}Abhängig von der eingestellten Sitesprache, dem Stand der Übersetzung und Sitespezifischen Einstellungen / lokal angepasster Übersetzung werden Tracker und Formular, ggf. Trackerformular synonym verwendet. Daher ist eine durchgängig einheitliche Schreibweise in dieser Anleitung aktuell (Apr. 2011) nicht unbedingt möglich. Ich werde mich um Einheitlichkeit bemühen, soweit dies sinnvoll erscheint und orientiere mich am recht weit fortgeschrittenen Stand der deutschen Übersetzung von Tiki 6.2 LTS){NOTE}

Um ein Trackerformular erstellen zu können, musst Du erst die Funktion Tracker (bzw. Formular) auf der Admin: Features Seite aktivieren (.../tiki-admin.php?page=features).

Admin: Features
Enabling Trackers

Nun kannst Du einen Tracker erstellen.

Ein Trackerformular erstellen

Um ein neues Formular zu erstellen:

  1. Wähle im Adminmenü Formular > Formulare verwalten.
  2. Klicke den Formular erstellen Tab.
    Create tracker
    Creating a tracker to maintain visitor information.
  3. Fülle folgendeFelder auf der Erstelle/Bearbeite Formular Seite aus:
    • Name: Name des Formulars
    • Beschreibung: Gib eine Kurzbeschreibung des Trackers ein. Aktiviere die Beschreibungstext ist nicht wiki-geparst Option um die Beschreibung mit Wiki Syntax zu formatieren
    • Show status: Specify if the tracker shows (or uses) a status field. For example, if you are using a Tracker for a bug reporting system, you may need to set the status of each bug.

    You can also specify if items of a particular status are shown when listing a tracker, if the status is visible to the Admin only, and the default status of newly created items.
    {NOTE()}There is a difference between listing and viewing trackers: When listing,Tiki displays the tracker items in a table; when viewing, Tiki displays each tracker item on a separate page:
    The difference between Listing and Viewing tracker items.
    • Send copies of all activity...: Enter email addresses to receive notification of all activity (creating new items, editing or deleting items, changing status, etc.) for this tracker.

    You can also specify if the email is is sent in a simplified format. By default the the notification message message will not include an tracker details. You can override this by enabling the Use simplified e-mail format field. You will need to create a field named Subject.
    • Show date... fields: You can specify if the creation and last modified dates are shown when listing and viewing the tracker. You can also override the site's default date and time formats.
    • Default sort... fields: Select the field to use as the default sort field (and its order) when listing tracker items. Since you have not added any tracker fields yet, you can only select the creation and last modified dates.
  4. Click Save. Tiki saves the tracker.
  5. Click the Trackers tab to display the newly created tracker.
    Admin: Trackers
    The newly created tracker.

Trackerfelder einrichten

Now that you have an "empty" tracker, you need to create fields for the tracker. These fields represent the form fields that visitors will complete.

  1. From the Admin: Trackers page, click Fields (Table ) for the tracker you created.
    Admin Trackers
    Adding fields to a tracker.
  2. On the Admin: Tracker page, click the New Tracker Field tab.
    Admin Tracker Fields
    Adding a tracker field.
  3. Enter the following information in each field on the page:
    • Name: Your name (this is the label for the field, as it will appear on the form).
    • Type: textfield
    • Function: ,80
    • Field is mandatory?: Select this field.

    Leave the other fields as their defaults.
  4. Click Save. Tiki adds the field to the tracker.

Repeat this procedure to add the following additional tracker fields:

Field Type Options
Email email Required
Address textarea
City textfield
State/Province textfield
Country country selector Required
About text area
Subject1 textfield
1 If you selected the Use simplified email format option, you must create this Subject field.

Tracker fields
The completed fields for the tracker.

Die Trackereinrichtung beenden

Now that all the fields have been added to the tracker, we can complete the remaining options for the tracker.

  1. Click the Edit this Tracker button.
    Admin Tracker
    Return to the Edit Tracker page
  2. Make the following changes:
    Updating the tracker.
    • What field is used for default sort?: Select Your name.
    • Show these fields in a popup...: Enter the field ID that corresponds to the About field.
  3. Click Save.
