
Major updates are in progress. Some pages and languages may not be available.

Información para Traductores

Translation of this page is incomplete.

Create a New Translation

  1. From any page, click the Translate button at the bottom of the page. The Translate Page page appears.
    The Translate button appears at the bottom of each wiki page.

    {NOTE()}You can also select Translate from the language droplist.
    Translate {NOTE}
  2. In the Translate this page to a new language area:
    • Select the language of your translation.
    • Enter the title of the page.
    • Select the appropriate status for the new page.
  3. Click Create. The Translation Assistant appears.

    Content in the Translate from area (left side) in green represents items to be translated.
  4. Enter the translated content in the Translate to area (right side).
  5. When you have completed the page:
    • Click Complete Translation if you have completely translated the entire page.
    • Click Partial Translation if the translated page is not complete.

Update an Existing Translation



Partial or Complete

For All Contributors
