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A blog is typically a website that contains entries of information (called posts) that are updated on a regular basis. Usually, the posts are displayed in reverse-chronological order (that is, newest first) and may be categorized. Blogs also allow for readers to post comments and responses.

With Tiki, you can create a site with one blog or 100. You can also have varying degrees of security for each blog. Some can be public, others accessible only by logging into the site. You can also let readers post comments to each post. Tiki provides multiple ways to reduce spam comments.

Features & Examples

For a Tiki-powered blog, commonly activated features include:

  • Blog
  • Comments (with spam protection)
  • Contact us
  • File gallery
  • RSS
  • Tags
  • Tell a friend
  • Search

Some popular blogs (and blog engines) include:

  • Wordpress
  • Blogger

Example Profile

This example includes a single blog that allows comments. Each blog post can be tagged with keywords. These keywords appear in a Tag Cloud module in the left column.

Example Blog
Tiki-powered blog

Some highlights of this profile include:

  1. The Site Title and Subtitle options are used in place of a logo or image. Clicking the title displays the home page.
  2. The About box is a custom module. It contains a link to the Contact Us page.
  3. The Search module is used in place of the blog-specific search. This uses the full text search option (not the Tiki search).
  4. The Most Popular Tags module displays the top 15 tags from the posts.
  5. Another custom module appears at the bottom of the page to allow the administrator to log into the site (by linking to the default login page: tiki-login.php. It uses the box=n option to disable the module's title and decorations from appearing.
  6. The site's home page is the home blog (this example has a single blog). The blog's title and description (or its custom heading) has been disabled, since the site's title the About module are used instead.
  7. Each post has its own tags. Clicking a tag displays a list of related posts with the same tag.
  8. This example uses the Blog Excerpt feature. On the home page, only a short portion of the blog post (user-defined) is shown. A Read More link allows visitors to read the full post.
  9. The ShareThis option allows visitors to easily "share" the post to all popular networks. If you have a ShareThis account, you can even track analytics for the site.
  10. Commenting has been enabled. Visitors can posts comments anonymously, if desired. Tiki includes CAPTCHA support to help reduce spam.

YAML Profile

 blog_comments_default_ordering: commentDate_desc
 blog_list_created: n
 blog_list_posts: n
 blog_list_title_len: 80
 blog_list_visits: n
 browsertitle: My Tiki BLog
 contact_anon: y
 display_timezone: UTC
 error_reporting_adminonly: n
 error_reporting_level: 0
 feature_blog_heading: y
 feature_blog_sharethis: y
 feature_blogs: y
 feature_contact: y
 feature_freetags: y
 feature_messages: y
 feature_search: y
 feature_show_stay_in_ssl_mode: n
 feature_wiki: n
 gal_use_lib: gd
 home_blog: 1
 https_login: disabled
 layout_tabs_optional: n
 module_zones_topbar: fixed
 sitesubtitle: My thoughts about Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
 sitetitle: My Tiki Blog
 style: business.css
 tikiIndex: tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=1

 feature_blogs: y
  type: blog
  ref: personal
   title: My Personal Blog
   description: This is my blog, powered by Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.
   user: admin
   public: n
   use_title: n
   use_title_in_post: n
   use_find: n
   use_author: n
   use_excerpt: y
   allow_comments: y
  type: blog_post
   blog: $personal
   title: Welcome to my new blog
   excerpt: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer a velit enim. Pellentesque semper felis et nisi placerat ut porta arcu sodales. Nulla sit amet dui vel diam vulputate rutrum ultrices et neque. Pellentesque vehicula justo ac risus sagittis pharetra. Nunc suscipit felis nec dui ornare tincidunt. Quisque et sem sit amet neque elementum bibendum non sit amet magna. Aliquam laoreet laoreet feugiat. Etiam vel sapien quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam imperdiet adipiscing hendrerit.
   content: This post was created by the installation profile.
