
Major updates are in progress. Some pages and languages may not be available.

Backing up Other Customizations

In addition to the mySQL database and theme-specific files, there are additional files that you should backup.

File Galleries

When configuring the Tiki File Gallery, you can specify if Tiki stores files in the Database or in a Directory.

Admin: File Galleries
Configuring File Gallery storage location.

If you store files in a directory, you must back up the specific directory.
{TIP()}Files stored the database are automatically included when you backup the database.{TIP}

{NOTE()}If you use Tiki Image Galleries (which were deprecated in Tiki 4) and store the images in a directory, you must back up the specific directory, too.{NOTE}

Wiki Attachments and Images

When configuring the Tiki wiki features, if you use Attachments you can specify if Tiki stores the attachments in the Database or in a Directory. If you store files in a directory, you must backup the specific directory.
{TIP()}Files stored in the database are automatically included when you backup the database.{TIP}

If you do not use File Galleries to store wiki images, you must also back up the ../img/wiki_up/.. directory. This is where Tiki stores your uploaded wiki images.

Admin: Wiki
Configuring Wiki file locations.

{TIP()}Starting in Tiki 8.0, use the Move images from wiki_up to the home file gallery to automatically move all images and files from the ../img/wiki_up/.. directory to the default File Gallery.{TIP}

Tracker Attachments

When configuring Tiki trackers, you can specify if Tiki stores the attachments in the Database or in a Directory. If you store files in a directory, you must backup the specific directory.
{TIP()}Files stored the database are automatically included when you backup the database.{TIP}

Admin: Trackers
Configuring Tracker attachment locations.

Tracker Images

If you added a field type Image to your Tracker, the uploaded images were stored in the directory ../img/trackers/... Therefore, you must backup also this specific directory.

{TIP()}Image file names on disk in that directory are encoded to a long random-looking string of characters. This is a security measure to avoid overwriting an image on disk with the same name from another tracker at the same Tiki site.{TIP}

Language (Translation) Files

The PHP files that control the main interface language for Tiki are located in the directory TIKI_HOME\lang\LANGUAGE_ABBREVIATION\. Starting in Tiki 11.0, there is a language.js file with the translatable strings from the javascript files of Tiki itself, besides the language.php, which holds most of the translated strings. Some libraries used internally by Tiki have their own language files elsewhere, and should best be translated, if desired, in their own external sites where Tiki took them from.

Instead of customizing the main language files from Tiki, you can create some custom.php and custom.js files for each language that contains any customized, translated strings.
{TIP()}You can create your custom files following as example the files that you will find under some language directories, such as "fr" or "ca", for instance: custom.js_example and custom.php_example.{TIP}

If you created any of these custom.php or custom.js files, you'll need to back them up, too.
{NOTE()}See the Tiki Documentation Tiki for details on customizing the Tiki language files.{NOTE}
{TIP()}You do not need to perform any special handling to backup the translations of specific wiki pages or articles. These will be included in the database backup.{TIP}

Plugins and Modules

If you created any custom Wiki Plugins or Modules (or modified exiting items). You will need to back up those files, too. If you have made updates, fixes, or enhancements to Tiki Plugins and Modules, please consider sharing your work back with the Tiki Community. It is easy to contribute your work.


Normally, there are 2 files for each plugin that you will need to back up:

  • A PHP file, located in ../lib/wiki-plugins/*.php
  • A TPL file, located in ../templates/wiki-plugins/*.tpl


Normally, there are 2 files for each plugin that you will need to back up:

  • A PHP file, located in ../modules/*.php
  • A TPL file, located in ../templates/modules/*.tpl
    {TIP()}You can include customized module templates files as part of your own template customizations. If so, they will be backed up as part of Saving your Theme.{TIP}

Anything Else

Normally, you should not need to edit or modify any PHP files. If you have customized any of the Tiki application libraries or files, you'll need to back them up as well.

If you made improvements or fixed issues with your changes, please consider contributing your changes to the Tiki source code. It is quick and easy, and helps you to avoid having a "forked" version that will be difficult to maintain and upgrade.

This is also good for the Tiki community, since it accelerates Tiki's progress and overall development.
